Category: Articles

1 2 3 437 / 37 POSTS
Chinese Academy Science Journals Warning List – A Contemplation for Publishers

Chinese Academy Science Journals Warning List – A Contemplation for Publishers

An Alert list of International Journals was released by the Chinese Academy of Sciences on December, 31 of 2020, containing names of 65 journals most [...]
Preprints – Future of Journal Publishing

Preprints – Future of Journal Publishing

With COVID-19, waiting out for publications by researchers is not an option, so there has been a sudden rise in preprint posting, particularly in disc [...]
AI – Future of Efficiently Assigning Papers to Reviewers

AI – Future of Efficiently Assigning Papers to Reviewers

One of the trending topics on ScienceMag is AI conference use AI to assign papers to reviewers, some of the imperative highlights of which are given h [...]
Racial Inequality in Scholarly Publishing: What to Do by Experts

Racial Inequality in Scholarly Publishing: What to Do by Experts

Recently being under discussion over the Scholarly Kitchen, we are pleased to highlight this upbringing trend of Reckoning with Whiteness in Scholarly [...]
COVID-19 Pandemic: Spotted as a Trigger to Potentially Substandard Research

COVID-19 Pandemic: Spotted as a Trigger to Potentially Substandard Research

Apart from the public health crisis, the COVID-19 pandemic has also resulted in research and publishing outbreak responsible for potentially substand [...]
How to Write an Effective Research Paper

How to Write an Effective Research Paper

Research papers are considered as the Pillars of Scientific Community that must be laid out logically with constructive approach. An effective resea [...]
The Significance of Peer Review in solving publishing issues – Glimpses of Eighth Peer Review Congress

The Significance of Peer Review in solving publishing issues – Glimpses of Eighth Peer Review Congress

Conducted after every five years, the Peer Review Congress presents data on a variety of issues that are associated with peer review. At the conferenc [...]
1 2 3 437 / 37 POSTS
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