Racial Inequality in Scholarly Publishing: What to Do by Experts


Racial Inequality in Scholarly Publishing: What to Do by Experts

Recently being under discussion over the Scholarly Kitchen, we are pleased to highlight this upbringing trend of Reckoning with Whiteness in Scholarly Publishing. Indeed Racism is an insidious cultural disease that manifests systems and institutions in different forms like prejudice, discrimination, or hatred. Discrimination and unfair treatment based on color, gender, race, ethnicity, national origin, and faith are very common in virtually every society which often eventuates in preventing people from enjoying equality.

Angela Galvan who is Digital Resources and Systems Librarian for SUNY Geneseo defined whiteness as, “white, heterosexual, capitalist, and middle class”. While according to April Hathcock, “the problem is not diversity but whiteness which stands as a marker for the privilege and power that acts to reinforce itself through hegemonic cultural practice that excludes all who are different.”

To induce a substantial change across scholarly publishing, there is a dire need to follow anti-racist practices in staff hiring, development, and reward. People within the higher education and publishing industry should incorporate anti-racist approaches into work that directly supports equitable knowledge production.

In summation, every individual should have an equal right to grab the opportunity and practice whatever they want. We should respect the concept of different cultures and help people who are facing racism with equal availability of all resources such as education, work opportunities, health, and well-being.

To read more about the insights related to the topic visit this amazing Guest-Post at Scholarly Kitchen


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