Celebrating 5th Peer Review Week at ACSE!


Celebrating 5th Peer Review Week at ACSE!

Peer Review Week (PRW) is now headed toward its 5th Anniversary! This time, PRW19 is coming up with new theme of “Quality in Peer Review” to be celebrated globally from 16 to 20 September, 2019.

The Asian Council of Science Editors supports the ideology of Peer Review Week ensuring the qualitative preservation and integrity of scholarly research. Connecting the peers of publishing industry and scientific research at one platform of discussion is necessary to emphasize the role of Peer Review and Reviewers in scholarly communications, as well as to highlight the latest innovation and applications of its field.

This year celebrating the Peer Review Week in Asia, the Asian Council of Science Editors invites all its Members, Ambassadors and Advisory Cabinet Members for open comments, views, opinions, as well as answers to the following possible questions to contribute a little to “Peer Review Week 2019

  1. Why is peer review important?
  2. What do you think high quality peer review looks like?
  3. How can journals ensure high quality peer review?
  4. Why do you peer review?
  5. What are your top tips for someone learning to peer review?
  6. Does peer review matter to the public?

We also encourage members to share their views or answers of above questions via video message, which will be uploaded on ACSE’s YouTube Channel. In order to submit your contribute in 5th Peer Review Week with ACSE please keep the following points in mind while making Video:

  1. Your Message must be relevant to the Theme “Quality in Peer Review”
  2. Recording must not exceeds the limit of 3 minutes
  3. You can share the video via Google Drive or in email at acse@theacse.com
  4. Try to record the message with least possible surrounding noise
  5. A template of Video is available here

Throughout the Peer Review week, we will be enjoying the relevant discussions to this year’s theme exploring the current issues, possible solutions and future challenges to maintain Quality in our Peer Reviewing System.

In case of any further query you may contact Jean Ashley at < jean@theacse.com >

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    Maya Khemlani David 5 years ago

    1 Choice of reviewers
    Reviewers must be carefully selected based on their expertise and area of analysis. For instance, if they are quantitative Analysts then Writers of articles with such an analysis can be directed to such researchers. On the other hand, if their work is mainly analysed qualitatively then articles with such an inclination can be submitted to these Researchers.

    2. Apart from expertise in a particular subject discipline and inclination towards qualitative/quantitative/ mixed method analysis another important quality which a peer reviewer should have is a healthy ego. They should not be petty and reject a paper in their area of discipline just because they are not cited.

    3. If they agree to review a paper they must make time to read it carefully and evaluate it according to the guidelines set by the Editorial Board. If this is not provided they should insist on a review form.

    4. Comments to authors and to the editorial board should not be one liner comments.

    5. When an article is rewritten based on the comments of the peer reviewers the new/ previous reviewer should not find new comments to make which they had not mentioned before .

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    Dr. Somaia Alkhair 5 years ago

    Why peer review is important?
    Peer review is a very important tool to ensure the suitability of a manuscript for publication. It helps to ensure the originality of a manuscript (if required for the journal), its contribution to the field. It detects any unethical issues besides its valuable role in finding unseen typing mistakes, uncited references in the text and the references section, the forgotten tables numbers, a superscript a comma, and many other tiny issues.

    What do I think high-quality peer review looks like?
    High-quality peer review must provide constructive comments which must be written clearly, helpful for both the author to make the corrections and the editor to make a decision. Must be written in details for each section separately.

    Why do I peer review?
    As we all know, peer review is a voluntary service we have to do for the research community. I peer review because I believe that I have to do my share in ensuring the quality and integrity of the published research. Another very important point is to develop a personal reputation and career progression.

    What are my top tips for someone learning to peer review?
    Personally, I started to learn how to review a manuscript after receiving the first review invitation. It is so easy to do it, just google it and read reviews published on the web.
    It is also important to bear in mind that reviewing is not judging others work, it is to help your peers to publish high-quality work.

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    Ahed Khatib 5 years ago

    I am Dr. Ahed Jumah Alkhatib from Asian council of Science editors
    It is my pleasure to share and congratulate all members in the council for peer review work, 2019.
    I would like to answer questions suggested by the council.
    First question: Why is peer review important?
    I think that peer reviewing can give the publication its strength and provides required modifications for the article to be as perfect as possible. Furthermore, nowadays, concepts such as predatory journals have emerged which involves the case of reviewing deficiency, expert reviewers help both journal and authors.
    Second question: What do you think high quality peer review looks like?
    I think that that peer review is perfect when the study to be reviewed is within the area of expertise by reviewer. From the title to references, there is a wide range of reviewing. We have to remember that the reviewer helps in improving the quality of the reviewed article. To me, after reading a manuscript, I start from the title of the manuscript if reflects the reality of manuscript, then the abstract, if gives a clear picture of the article. Abstract is the most readable part of the manuscript, and should be well prepared. Introduction or literature review is very important to me as it should cover the topic specifically. Methodology is a very important section of the article, it has to be well written so that it is convincing and shows in details all steps performed in the study.
    Study findings: they should be well arranged and prepared. Tables should not be repeated or fragmented. Significance should be well indicated.
    Figures should not repeat tables, and have to be well structured. Description should be clear and concise.
    Discussion: is a very important part of any study. It shows the art of writing, flow of ideas. It should compare study findings with other studies and explain the differences. Here is a good chance to identify gaps in literature.
    Conclusions: here the final message is withdrawn from the article. In a short paragraph, conclusions are stated.
    Citations in text and reference list should be comparable and consistent. Reference style should follow journal guide lines.
    The third question: How can journals ensure high quality peer review?
    There is a serious problem in which the reviewer is busy, and reviewing process comes quickly. I think that journal should make focus on commenting on each part of the article.
    The fourth question: Why do you peer review?
    I am usually asked this question, why do you peer review? Simply, because we live in scientific community. The roles are interchangeable. When I am an author, I would like the reviewer to be active and kind. When I am a reviewer, I am supposed to be the same. By thus, as a reviewer, I am serving the journal, the author, and scientific community.
    The fifth question, What are your top tips for someone learning to peer review?
    First of all, put in your mind that being a reviewer is a matter of evolution. It comes with time as you are developing your scientific profile. My advices:
    – If you cannot appropriately review, do not take this task. Be honest with yourself.
    – If you do not have the time, do not accept to work quickly.
    – See my points in answering question 2, they are applicable here.
    The 6th question: Does peer matter to the public?
    I think that this is the most forgotten part of knowledge for the public. The real knowledge the people may have can’t be real without peer review.
    Thank you very much

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    Wishing you all a happy, successful & fruitful peer review week on behalf of
    Iranian journal of neonatology.
    Peer review is a gold ways of reviewing for qualitative outcomes.

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    Peer review is a democratic process of evaluating the quality of a paper. However, in this democratic process, only those who work in the same area as that of the paper in question can give an opinion. Obviously a good reviewer will look into details of the paper and give logical evaluation, which will also help the author in improving the work and in presenting it.

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    Prof. Dr. Subas Chandra Dinda 5 years ago

    Message on peer review week!

    Peer review is a process through which article can be standardized with value addition. Again, Its essential to identify the potentiality of the research outcomes of a research article for the benefit for the society or scientific community, which is only possible through a peer review process.
    Peer review also helps in language editing and polishing as well as identify the plagiarism, which is a threat at present before the scientific community.
    Therefore, peer review is must for a quality publishing.

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    Prof. Dr. Zabta Khan Shinwari 5 years ago

    To ensure responsible conduct of review, its the need of hour to use the modern technology as well as the traditional ways of reviewing for qualitative outcomes.

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    Mostafa Eissa 5 years ago

    This is a very important topic for researchers, academics and scientists. I hope fruitful peer-review week for all ACSE members.

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    Prof. Dr. Talat Mahmood 5 years ago

    Wishing you all Editors/Reviewers a Happy Peer Review Week (PRW)anniversary, especially to all Asian Council of Science Editors.

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    I wish a very successful review week of ACSE.
    You people are doing very good job indeed. You people deserve appreciation. I hope you will able to lay your role in the field of global research and also plays your valuable role for the generation of high impact article.
    Best wishes for all of the members of this group.

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    Professor Quazi Tarikul Islam 5 years ago

    It is a great endeavor that ACSE is observing the Peer Review Week. I congratulate the team ACSE for their enthusiasm.
    Professor Quazi Tarikul Islam

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    Dr.D.Rajendra Prasad 5 years ago

    Wishing you all a very happy , successful & fruitful peer review week on behalf of International Open access journal “Wireless Communication Technology” editorial board. Congratulations team The Asian Council of Science Editors (ACSE).

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    Ahed J Alkhatib 5 years ago

    I would like to thank the team of ACSE for suggesting this topic due to its importance. Nowadays, the idea of predatory journals has become threatening for the integrity of journals. This may due to defects in reviewing process. Accordingly peer reviewing is important in three aspects: journal, author, and publication.

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    Ravindra P V 5 years ago

    I appreciate the team ACSE for coming up this idea of peer review week.
    It’s so essential that the whole process is quality control in research. It helps to avoid inaccurate publishing findings, unsubstantiated claims, and personal bias. It also ensures the importance of outcomes in the context of the advancement of both basic and translational science.

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    I hope for all ACSE committee’s members successful peer review week

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    Hussein Azzaz Murad 5 years ago

    Prof. Hussein Azzaz Murad

    Wishing for all ACSE very successful and fruitful Peer review week. The evaluation process of
    The scientific research is very important for orientation the researchers to express their work appropriately. The subjective and clear recommendations of the expert reviewers have highly contributed to improving the quality of the published scientific research studies.

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    Editorial Board of International Journal of Islamic Thought (IJIT) wishes a happy week of review. From Editor-In-Chief, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Sunawari Long

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    I wish for all ACSE very successful […Peer Review Week…]

    Best Regards,

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    I wish all Editors/reviewers a happy week of review. You have all help in strengthening the quality of research been turn out for societal consumption and for informed decision in policy making. Thanks to you all for your effort and sacrifice. You are all making a generational and sustainable impact. Keep it UP.

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    Prof. Ibtissam Sabbah Sabbah 5 years ago

    Wishing you all Editors/Reviewers a Happy Peer Review Week (PRW)anniversary,

    Peer review is extremely important in evaluating the research by other experts’ opinions from different regions in order to develop the science. The comments given by the experts in the specific field of sciences can improve the quality of the study and the scientific journal especially in middle and low revenu countries.

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    Prof. Mohamed EL-Saeid 5 years ago

    I wish for all ACSE very successful Peer review week, because its very important as I notice since 20 years experience as Reviewer, Publishing, Advisor and Editor. Please note to organize a data base of Highly rank reviewers in each scope of academic Journals to support the scientist during the publishing.

    My Best Regards,

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    Samar al nahhas 5 years ago

    Wishing you all a Happy and successful Peer Review Week anniversary to all Asian Council of Science Editors

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    Justin Ombeni 5 years ago

    Wishing you all Editors/Reviewers a Happy Peer Review Week (PRW)anniversary, particularly to all Asian Council of Science Editors.

    Dr. Justin Ombeni B.
    Member Asian Council of Science Editors

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    Saman Shahid 5 years ago

    Why is peer review important?
    Answer: Peer review is extremely important in evaluating the particular research in the light of other experts’ opinions from different regions.

    What do you think high quality peer review looks like?
    Answer: A peer reviewer must be selected from advanced research countries. A successful peer review must include the experts of the relevant research. It is the responsibility of a peer reviewer to review the manuscript by paying great attention to provide detailed comments and suggestions to the editors.

    How can journals ensure high quality peer review?
    Answers: Journals must include a team of expert evaluators who can provide their valuable comments, so that editors can decide the strong papers for publication.

    Why do you peer review?
    Answer: As a scientist, I provide my review to facilitate and identify good research.

    What are your top tips for someone learning to peer review?
    Answer: The reviewer must read the literature on the said topic thoroughly and must evaluate the study designs.

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    Toungos Mohammed 5 years ago

    Very interesting. Wishing us a successful anniversary and many more to come in assisting and developing the society.

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