Dual Submission leading to Dual Publication


Dual Submission leading to Dual Publication

Case Number 01-19

Case in Detail | Anonymised

An article was submitted to a Journal (Journal A) for publication in 2011. According to the Journal’s policy, the article undergoes the initial screening, peer review and revisions as well as final proofreading from author and accordingly published within the same year in the Journal A. Soon after the publication, same author submitted the same manuscript to another local Journal (Journal B) and got published there also.

In June 2019, Journal A receives an email from author to withdraw his article because after the publication in Journal A, the author has published the same article in another local Journal (Journal B).

In this situation the editor of Journal A, wrote the author several times that it’s unethical and counted as Dual submission & Publication along with brief details of Journal A’s policy. Rather than understanding the editorial policies the author insists to withdraw his article from Journal A, which published his article before Journal B.

The editor of Journal A has not taken any action yet and contacted the Asian Council of Science Editors for guidelines to handle this situation as the article is still displayed on both journal’s website.

Question(s) for the ACSE Advisers:

  1. What should be the practical advice to Publisher of Journal A?
  2. Who is responsible for such misconduct?
  3. If author is responsible what should we do for the author’s wrong doing?
  4. Should we pursue the matter with the editor of the journal (Journal B) who has published the duplicate submission?



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    Dr. Akash Dixit 3 years ago

    Why is it always the authors mistake? The publishing houses are abusing their resources and exploiting both the authors and the academia. Let us change the scenario a bit – What if the journal A turned down the author for publication? The author waits for a whole year to get an answer and then they have nothing to show. The research is way faster than the time that these publication houses take to review it. Why? Because the publication houses are greedy as hell. They will keep spamming professors and begging them to review in the name of science for free, while these same publication houses will demand a hefty sum for view and download of the same articles that were provided to them for free and reviewed for free. This is an unstable system. Following are my suggestions:


    authors should have the right to submit the paper to as many journals as they want unless the publication houses pay for the holding of the article at a reasonable rate per day. The reviewers should be paid to review the articles. The authors should be paid for publication of an approved article. The Editors should be paid positions. This will help in making the research effort equitable and fair and help it thrive.

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    Prof. Amitava Bandyopadhyay 4 years ago

    The issues are well described in reports under COPE.

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    What should be the practical advice to Publisher of Journal A?
    withdrawn the article from the site with comment explain what the author done.
    Who is responsible for such misconduct?
    the author
    If author is responsible what should we do for the author’s wrong doing?
    send a letter to the author,s institute about the duplication
    Should we pursue the matter with the editor of the journal (Journal B) who has published the duplicate submission?
    Yes, to withdrawn the article from both site

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    Prof. Dr. Ehlinaz TORUN KAYABAŞI 5 years ago

    The author acted primarily against ethical rules.
    The author violated the ethical rules by sending a published article to another journal.
    The first published journal (Journal A) may rightfully object to the withdrawal of the article. Because the article was first sent to the journal A and published.

    The author must withdraw the publication from the second journal (Journal B).
    In addition, the editors of the second magazine (Journal B) should have done their checks well.
    It may be possible to contact the author’s university and impose a penalty according to the ethical rules.
    The editor of the journal A should contact the editor of the journal B and ask them to transcribe the case and publish the relevant article. It is true that the second journal (journal B) removes the relevant article from the publication.

    Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ehlinaz TORUN KAYABAŞI

    University of Kocaeli Arslanbey Vocational School

    Department of Marketing and Advertising

    Arslanbey Campus

    41285 Kartepe/KOCAEL-/TURKEY

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    Prof.(Mrs) Vijaya Khader 5 years ago

    1) I feel the Publisher should verify correctly.
    2) The author may be publishing the work connecting with earlier publication as a part of it.As long as the author giving the reference from where the author has taken the information it is not wrong.
    3) In case the editor finds a doubt it should be clarified with the author.
    4) Some times the information may be overlapping as part of the work is already published and the continuation is submitted for another journal. In that Case the Editors of the Journals to be very careful to find out whether the work is duplicate or continuation from the author to certify the same for further action.
    5) In case it is found duplicate reject the publication.

    Prof.(Mrs) Vijaya Khader, PhD
    Former Dean, Acharya N G R A University, Hyderabad &
    Principal Investigator, Food Technology, e-PG Pathshala,
    Former Chair Person, Task Force Committee on
    Bio-Technology Based Programs for Women.

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    Professor Muhammad Aslam 5 years ago

    1. Author may be asked to withdraw the article for journal B and this fact be published in the journal.

    2. If the author doesn’t agree, then ACSE may write to journal B with evidence to withdraw and publicise the dual/ duplicate publication in the journal.

    3. If author as well as journal B don’t agree, then journal A may withdraw and publicise the fact in the journal. The author may be issued a written warning and penalty NOT to accept his article(s) in Journal A for the next 3-5 years.

    Maj Gen [Retd]
    Professor Muhammad Aslam
    MBBS, M.Phil, Ph.D, FPAMS, FCPS
    Pro-Vice Chancellor
    National University of Medical Sciences
    The Mall, Rawalpindi (Pakistan)

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    Prof. Silva 5 years ago

    The author has done unscholarly and ethically wrong action. These are promotion oriented attempts done by so-called scientists with a poor track record. Please ask the Editor of the Journal A to contact the Head of the Organization of the author who is forcing the Editor of the Journal A to withdraw is paper.

    Prof. E.I.L. Silva (B.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D)
    Water Resources Science and Technology (WRST)

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    Nishad 5 years ago

    The author as well as the Editor of Journal B are equally responsible. This is because authors should give a consent letter indicating that “His/Her article is not published partly or wholly in any other journal and/or under-consideration in any other journal”. Secondly, Editor of Journal B should have done some data searching related to authors previous research records. I feel that Editor of Journal B should be contacted and asked him to take action on this publication.

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    Dr. Somaia Alkhair 6 years ago

    It is the author`s responsibility because he/she is the only person who sent the paper for publication in journals B. I think at that time, journal B witch is a local journal do not has the plagiarism check software. If it has, in this case- it is a self-plagiarism case, so, journal B must refuse to process the paper. The author recognized his/her mistake after the manuscript becomes available on the internet (after 8 years). I think personal relations with the local journal editors make him/her to request journal A to withdraw the manuscript.

    In my opinion, The first step Journal A should announce the deletion of the paper in its web site and other sites with a strong justification for the reasons for this action.
    Secondly, Journal A should pursue the matter with the editor of Journal B to avoid this misconduct in the future.
    Finally, journal A may not stop publishing for the author because the author does not publish others work.

    For the future, do the journal owns the published papers? So, it has the right to refuse such a request in such cases?

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    Amanullah 6 years ago

    The authors are most responsible for it. Some journals were not avilible online in 2011. The authors show ba blamed and baned in journal A. The editor of journal A should write letter to journal B to remove his paper too. But not possible to remove from hard copies and soft copy with authors.

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    DR. S DARBAR 6 years ago

    A.What should be the practical advice to Publisher of Journal A?

    First, Editor of Journal A should lunch a criminal offence (academic) against the author. Secondly never cancel the publication because Journal A published the article first. Editor of Journal A write to Editor of Journal B to retract the article because author violate the copyright policy.

    B.Who is responsible for such misconduct?

    The Author of the article is sole responsible for this misconduct.

    C.If author is responsible what should we do for the author’s wrong doing?

    Journal B will immediately retract the article and ban the author for lifetime.

    D.Should we pursue the matter with the editor of the journal (Journal B) who has published the duplicate submission?

    Never. Corresponding author is the main culprit and should be punished and penalized.

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    Shilpa Pise 6 years ago

    This mail is in reference to email received by IJCRR about dual submission of an article.
    The issue is very serious as we also face these type of issues many times.
    Many times it does not come to our notice that article is already submitted to another journal also.
    We also do the review process and after review and other things we come to know that the author’s article is already published somewhere in another journal.
    The review process takes lot of time but for authors it is very small thing.
    I thick these authors should be blacklisted to publish their article in any journal.

    But one more thing I want to emphasize that sometimes journals also are responsible for this thing as they do not reply on time to authors about the status of article so author has to submit the article to another journal.
    One timeframe should be given to journals for review process, if that time exceeds then authors should be allowed to submit their article to another journal.
    Some journals take 1 year or 2 year for review process but I think in 2 years new research come in market and that earlier work can become useless.

    There should be some policies framed to take a check on journals and authors.

    Shilpa Pise
    Scientific Officer

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    Dr. Emmanuel 6 years ago

    What should be the practical advice to Publisher of Journal A?
    Journal A needs to write the Editor of Journal B, asking for the withdrawal of the article that has already be published with Journal A which Journal B plagiarized by publishing it gain.

    Who is responsible for such misconduct?
    The author and the Editor of Journal B.

    The author because he deliberately resubmitted a published work and the Editor because the Editor refused to carry out online routine check for plagiarism because if done, the published manuscript would have been discovered.

    If author is responsible what should we do for the author’s wrong doing?
    The author need to be reminded of the agreement he had with Journal B authorizing the publication of his reviewed manuscript.

    Should we pursue the matter with the editor of the journal (Journal B) who has published the duplicate submission?

    Yes, that is the right thing to do, in case the Editor of Journal B is not yet aware of the atrocity the Journal had committed by republishing an already published manuscript.

    Above all, legal verdict needs to employed to seek redress when settlement could not be made amicably.

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    Here are my thoughts for reference:

    Anyway, the paper has to be retracted either solely from Journal B/Journal A or from both. The major decision factors are whether an agreement had been signed appropriately and timely, and how the author’s attitude is.

    Because the author submitted the paper after the paper had been published in Journal A, there are only two cases as below:

    Case ONE. Journal A signed an agreement. The author should be clearly asked to retract the paper from Journal B (in case Journal A has not done so yet) and Journal B should agree on this requirement and retract the paper as soon as possible.

    However, if the author still insisted on his opinion, the paper should be retracted from both Journal A and Journal B after Journal A has contacted Journal B and Journal B has also agreed to do so. In addition, Journal A should also notify the author’s working unit about the author’s unethical behavior. Where a blacklist for the author to publish any further papers in Journal A and/or Journal B could be decided by both journals, separately.

    Case TWO. Journal A had not signed an agreement, then Journal A has to retract the paper unluckily, while Journal B could decide independently whether to retract the paper or not.

    Note. The agreement should be treated as not being signed if it has not included a statement that the submitted paper has not been submitted elsewhere and will not submit to any other journals for publication unless being rejected or un-notified within some period of time, clearly stated.

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    Alaaeldin A.Hamza 6 years ago

    Author is mainly responsible for dual submission and unethical publishing. Journal A and B must make it mandatory for author(s) to submit an undertaking/ declaration along with manuscript that the article is not published or submitted for publication somewhere. A is suggested to announce dual submission & publication”, in upcoming issue and also on Journal’s website and remove or retain the MS on their website. The publisher of journal B guilty, since they didn’t ensured high publishing standards by not checking similarity of already published work. Journal B should cancel the publication. Both journals should retract the manuscript from their website clearly indicating the reason.

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    Prof. M. O. Oyesanya 6 years ago

    I think the following questions need to be answered for fair decisions to be made.
    (I) when did the author submit his MS to Journal A?
    (ii) when was the date of acceptance by Journal A?
    (iii) w hen was the submission date to Journal B?
    (iv) when was the date of acceptance by Journal B?
    If (I) is earlier than (iii) then it is not a case of double submission.
    If (ii) is earlier than (iii) then the author is culpable.
    If the date for applying for withdrawal is later than (iv) the author is culpable.
    In any case Journal B Editor did not do a thorough job.
    Publication in journal B should not be allowed if the author is found culpable as indicated above. The author should be put on the black list. If the author is insisting on withdrawal of MS from Journal A publication in journal A should be cancelled. The decisions should be published in the two journals. The author should be informed of the decisions and made to realise that his actions were unethical.

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    Dr. Avijeet Jain, Advisory Board Member, ACSE 6 years ago


    Answers to the questions are as follows:

    A. What should be the practical advice to Publisher of Journal A?
    Answer: Journal A has published the manuscript earlier than Journal B and should retain the publication.
    B. Who is responsible for such misconduct?
    Answer: Authors of the manuscript are responsible for this misconduct. Then Journal B is also culprit, but they can rectify it by retracting the manuscript from the publication immediately.
    C. If author is responsible what should we do for the author’s wrong doing?
    Answer: They should be blacklisted from the Journal for about 3-5 years and no further publication should be allowed.
    D. Should we pursue the matter with the editor of the journal (Journal B) who has published the duplicate submission?
    Ans: Definitely, Journal A should ask Journal B to retract the manuscript from the publication immediately mentioning that the manuscript has been retracted due to authors misconduct and violence of copy right and unethical practice.
    Last conditions suggested that this manuscript must be removed from both of the journals if insisted by authors to remove it from Journal A.

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    Dr. Venkataramana Kandi 6 years ago

    This, in my opinion, could be the result of delayed article processing by some journals (Journal A in this case).

    The author, of course, is the one to be blamed first.

    Also, the journal B should have been pro-active and should have screened for plagiarism (which probably could have found the duplicity)

    My suggestion to the journal publishers: Expedite the reviewing process. Must screen for plagiarism, even before approving for peer-review

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    thiru 6 years ago

    The author is responsible for both the publication. Further, It is also the responsibility of journal to ensure that the paper is not published elsewhere.

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    Bobby Joseph 6 years ago

    All options have been discussed but to add one more voice to this suggestion:
    Both journals must withdraw the article – clearly stating why. The author should be blacklisted.

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    This is a very clear duplication in submission which is a clear unethical misconduct from all authors.

    A. The editor of the Journal A should write a letter to the Editor of Journal B informing about duplication in publication and ask the editor of the journal to retract the article.

    Or while informing the editor of the journal B, alternatively the editor in the journal A can also make a decision by retracting the manuscript from their journal and ban the authors for certain period from submitting their manuscript to Journal A

    B. This case is a clear wrong-doing of the authors of the article. All authors must be well – informed and agreed on the submission. If the first author is the junior author, he or she must get proper advice from the senior authors especially corresponding author. In this case, the junior author might not aware of the policy of duplication in publication.

    C. The editor of the Journal must do the solution in (A) by informing the editor in journal B and do the investigations. Once satisfied with finding and response, the authors should be banned from the journal for a certain period

    D. As mentioned in (A), the editor in journal B was not properly check the manuscript in early editorial screening to evaluate whether the content of manuscript has been published before.

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    Abu-Hegazy, M 6 years ago

    The author should be punished by withdrawal of the paper from both journals

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    Dr Audu L I 6 years ago

    It does appear to me that the author deliberately published the article in two journals to advance a selfish interest and is currently requesting a retraction from one journal because he/she probably now realizes the secret is in the open.
    This action is an academic fraud and should be so treated.
    I am of the opinion that the article be retracted from both journals and this should be done publicly.
    It may also be necessary to officially inform the Institution to which the author is affiliated.

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    B. Maini 6 years ago

    The fault lies obviously with the communicating author of the paper. He did not own the copyrights of the paper once it was published in Journal A. Presumably, he/she was asked to declare that he/she owned the copyrights of the paper and had the authority to assign it to Journal B. If he/she signed off on that declaration, he/she was committing a fraud. You cannot sell a property that you do not own. Journal B can be blamed for not doing the due diligence in checking for prior publication, but they have been conned by the author. Journal B should withdraw the paper immediately and publicize the misconduct of the communicating author.

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    Dr.Bg Unni 6 years ago

    According to me both the editors of the journal are not responsible for such mis deeds by the author. The entire responsibility lies with the author and the institution where the author has givenils the address. Once the information is known to the editors of the journal, contact the institution head where the author is associated and convey the details. Every institution has got their own mechanism for giving punishment to such authors for such unethical activities

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    It is pertinent to editor of a jounal to always send the guidelines to author(s) before accepting to review and publish their article. Again, most journal should develop a technique of first finding out the status of received articles before sending it our for review. Moreso, plagerism test and softwares to detect such are readily available. Making sure that every received article passes through such test before reviewing would go a long way to avoid such future occurrences. For now, out of the two journals, the one that publshed later should remove the article from its site. It should have been the duty of the editor to the journal that publshed later, to have checked to know the publication status of the article. With the topic only, such is easily done online. However, the two journals should come together and inform the author(s) to stay away from repeating such rubbish again. It is only ethical to send previously sent article to another journal when it has been rejected by the first journal or the corressponding author would formaly notify the journal of withdrawl stating reasons.


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    the author is the primary culprit based on these facts: An article was submitted to a Journal (Journal A) for publication in 2011. According to the Journal’s policy, the article undergoes the initial screening, peer review and revisions as well as final proofreading from author and accordingly published within the same year in the Journal A. Soon after the publication, same author submitted the same manuscript to another local Journal (Journal B) and got published there also.
    unless he was not aware or had submitted the paper without informing the editor of journal A ahead of time.
    best way forward. journal B should remove the article this will help them improve their work by ensuring CROSS MARK before publishing any article. Author should just stick to one of the two journals for his or her personal good. remember, TODAY IS THE FUTURE WE ALL TALKED ABOUT YESTERDAY.

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    nizwa itrat 6 years ago

    As per my view I think the author is responsible for this. And author must inform in time to the second journal if the research work was published before in any other journal.

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    DR. SOBIA AFTAB 6 years ago

    A. What should be the practical advice to Publisher of Journal A?

    Journal A must make it mandatory for author(s) to submit an undertaking/ declaration along with manuscript that the article is not published or submitted for publication somewhere.

    Both Journals need to formulate “Ethical & Publication Policies” including all the ethical issues pertaining to publication and publish on their website.

    B. Who is responsible for such misconduct?

    In my opinion, the Author is mainly responsible however the partial liability is on both Journal A and B.

    As in my opinion, every journal must take an undertaking/ declaration along with submission of article that the author(s) has not submitted the manuscript elsewhere for publication.

    C. If author is responsible what should we do for the author’s wrong doing?
    The submission of an article to a journal can only be withdrew before it is published. Once it is published, no such thing is possible.

    If the author is from a technically advanced country and was aware of the “Dual Submission and Publication” then in my opinion the approach must be punitive. The institution of the author must be informed about his ethical misconduct. In addition, both the journals should banned the author from future submissions and publications.

    However, if the author does not belong to a technically advanced country and also was not aware of the “Dual Submission & Publication”, then approach should be educational. Both the Journals are suggested to write an editorial on “Dual Submission and Publication and its consequences”

    Since the article was published by Journal A first, so Journal B should cancel the publication and announce it in upcoming issue and also on Journal’s website. The Journal A is also suggested to announce the same on its website.

    D. Should we pursue the matter with the editor of the journal (Journal B) who has published the duplicate submission?

    Not necessarily

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    Prof. Noura 6 years ago

    A. What should be the practical advice to Publisher of Journal A?
    Never cancel the publication because the article came to Journal A first

    B. Who is responsible for such misconduct?
    The author will take the responsibility of what he did. Legal action must be taken taken

    C. If author is responsible what should we do for the author’s wrong doing?
    B journal must cancel his article and announce in the journal web page that this article has been canceled due to the unethical rules of publication.

    D.Should we pursue the matter with the editor of the journal (Journal B) who has published the duplicate submission?
    Sending notification to them.

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    Both the author and Journal B have committed gross misconduct.
    1. The author: submitting a duplicate manuscript to journal B
    2. Journal B: Not checking for plagiarism of submitted manuscript.

    By agreeing to this misconduct, both the author and publisher B are eligible for punishment from this association. Be banned after retraction of the publication from journal B.

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    Spencer Jolly 6 years ago

    A. What should be the practical advice to Publisher of Journal A?
    See answer D. They should wait for action from journal B.

    B. Who is responsible for such misconduct?
    The author is definitely primarily responsible. It may be that the author submittied to both journals at the same time (for example if journal B is more prestigious). The editors of journal B could have done a better job at searching for duplicate articles or text, so they are also partially to blame.

    C. If author is responsible what should we do for the author’s wrong doing?
    See below for my advice on the article. In general I think the retraction notices are enough punishment for the author, but it may also be sensible to send a letter to their instituion in the case that they are a repeat offender.

    D. Should we pursue the matter with the editor of the journal (Journal B) who has published the duplicate submission?
    Definitely. I think the best course of action is that journal B retracts the article and journal A keeps the article, but adds a notice that it was published for some time also in another journal.

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    Dr. Dharmesh Chandra Sharma 6 years ago

    In my opinion author is solely responsible for dual publication. You can not submit an article in two journals simultaneously without withdrawing from the first .

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    Prof. K.V. Mohanan 6 years ago

    The paper, since it might have got already cited by several workers as an article from journal A, the only solution is to remove the paper from journal B either by the author or the publishers for the reason of double publication. There is no ethical or legal standing for the author to argue for the withdrawal of the paper from Journal A. It seems that the papers were not simultaneously submitted. Even if submitted simultaneously, the author has the responsibility to withdraw the submission to journal B once it gets published in journal A.

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    Somia Gul 6 years ago

    It is strange that why author contact Journal A in which article was published in 2011…….if it was happen by any mistake then author must to contact Journal B for removal from their website………..

    it is not clear that when paper was published in journal B????
    But as published after Journal A then I think that mainly author and then Journal B are responsible for this misconduct!

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    vetyasir afzal 6 years ago

    Thanks for the e-mail. I my opinion, it is the author who is at fault. As such, such authors should be barred from submission of further articles in future. This is for the betterment of the scientific community and research ethics. The Editor of Journal B should contact the Editior of Journal A for such scientific mis-conduct to highlight the issue against the author of the concerned article.

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    Dr.D.rajendra Prasad 6 years ago

    The author is solely responsible for double publication

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    Muhammet Turkoglu 6 years ago

    If the author has responsibility, both Journal A and Journal B should sue the author. Since Journal B publishes the article after Journal A, B Journal should returned it to the author without the consent of the author and delete the article from the relevant website. In addition, if the article was published in Journal B as hard copy (printed), it should publish an editorial article in next issues due to unethical publication, and firstly officially inform the both author and author’s institution that this article has been canceled due to the unethical rules of publication.

    From another perspective, It is clear that Jornal B is guilty for publishing the article sent by author because Journal B has not searched on Ithenticate Cross similarity, as well as author’s unethical behavior due to the fact that he sent it to both journals.

    I think also that there is no responsibility for the arbitrators for both journals.

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    Dr Srijita Basumallick 6 years ago

    1. Publisher of Journal A should debar the author for publishing future article to this journal and this should be announce to a larger community.

    2. The author is solely responsible for this.

    3.Nothing to do with journal B , except sending a copy of the debar notification to them.

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    Manan Wan 6 years ago

    The author is unethical and dishonest.

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      Boggarapu Nageswara Rao 6 years ago

      Journals should not encourage such dual submissions. The author should be warned and his institution should be informed about his unethical act.

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    SAAD TAYYAB 6 years ago

    A. What should be the practical advice to Publisher of Journal A?
    Re: In principle Journal A is not supposed to remove the manuscript as the manuscript was received and accepted by Journal A first than Journal B. However, it is up to them (Journal A) whether to remove or retain the MS on their website. They can decide. Furthermore, in the agreement which is signed by the author(s), it is mentioned that the manuscript has neither been published nor submitted for publication in any other journal.

    B. Who is responsible for such misconduct?
    Re: Author

    C. If author is responsible what should we do for the author’s wrong doing?
    Re: Both journals should highlight this issue on their journal page and make the authors as black-listed.

    D. Should we pursue the matter with the editor of the journal (Journal B) who has published the duplicate submission?
    Re: Can. This is the fault of Journal B Editor & more of the Reviewers who are supposed to check the MS before making decision about its publication.

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    Khan B Marwat 6 years ago

    Journal-A has no fault, The problem is with Journal-B and the author. Has the author given the undertaking that the article is not submitted somewhere else. Whether Journal B has has run the turnitin to see if the article was published/plagiarized.. If not then author and Journal B should be given punishment. May be the Journal A has not uploaded the journal to the website, therefore was not visible to Journal B. Or Journal A has not saved the article report to the repository while running turnitin.

    Author is of course to be blamed.. but it should be seen why he ask for withdrawal. Were there kickback involved?
    A complex case needs a proper inquiry before any deduction can be made.

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    Nazzatush Shimar Jamaludin 6 years ago

    I presume the author read the guidelines before he or she submitted the manuscript. In this case, Journal A may take the published manuscript out not because of the author’s order, but due to unethical practice of the author. Or, Journal A may decide to leave the published work with them and write to Journal B to inform that the paper has been published first in A.

    In addition, the journal council may request for proof of submission from the author, Journal A and B. The date of submission will tell whether the work was submitted simultaneously to A and B or if the work was submitted to B after A has reviewed. These important dates will tell.

    Of course the author is responsible for the dual submission. Since the author insist to withdraw from A, this clearly shows that the author prefers to publish in B. It may be a try in luck to see which journal will his or her work get accepted.

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    Siddhartha Bhattacharyya 6 years ago

    The paper should be retracted from both the journals and the author should be blacklisted.

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    Dr. Mujahid Hussain 6 years ago

    -The author have to face citation rate on publishing the same article in duplicate i.e. some citations will go to one journal while rest to other.

    -There should be a system with journals to recognize the duplication of submitted paper.

    – plegerism detection can also support the processing journal.

    -Duplicating authors should be black-listed and list be followed by whole the editing community

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    Dr. Mijahid Hussain 6 years ago

    -The author have to face citation rate on publishing the same article in duplicate i.e. some citations will go to one journal while rest to other.

    -There should be a system with journals to recognize the duplication of submitted paper.

    – plegerism detection can also support the processing journal.

    -Duplicating authors should be black-listed and list be followed by whole the editing community

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    Dr. Amanullah 6 years ago

    The authors are responsible for it. Check the list and order of authors, as well as corresponding author. If the corresponding author is the same then he should black listed in both journals. Editors of both journals must contact with each other for the decision, please.

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    Hamida Hamdi 6 years ago

    The author is the responsible .
    In my opinion, the publisher A told the publisher B , and the two journals remove the article from their website.

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    In this particular case, author is mainly responsible for dual submission and unethical publishing. Equally is the publisher of journal B guilty, since they didn’t ensured high publishing standards by not checking similarity of already published work. However, time of the submission to Journal B is important, because if author made simultenious submissions then Journal B is not guilty as similarity must be within limit at that time. But if author submitted the same manuscript after being published in journal A, then Journal A is also guilty. By now both journals should retract the manuscript from their website clearly indicating the reason. Both journals should black list the author and should write to the institution of the author for legal action against him/her.

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    Gholamreza Jandaghi 6 years ago

    I think that both journals shoukd remove the paper from their published issue and anounce the name of the author in this regard and also anounce that both journals have put the author in their black list which means that no paper of this author will consider for publication any more.

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    As my experience, what should authors do, a research do long time research, write paper and send to journal, then most journals take to long to send reviewers, and reviewers reject within one weak, Is it right of reviewer to reject a long time experiment?
    I found a case, I received paper from Oxford press USA, (IF.2 something), when i read the paper, i found student did much trouble to do the experiment, the work was original, There was problem of English somewhere, I recommend for publication with major revision, but other side an old man rejected. In my career, I have reviewed more 15 papers, I never rejected any paper, all research works were original.
    Nowadays, reference culture damaged the publication quality, High IF journal editor in cheif said, we publish paper, add one of our team member as coauthor! if you go that journal website, you will find journal editorial board member of journal are coauthors in most publications.
    I think It is good, author should submit more than 2 journals, once get accepted somewhere, then withdraw from other. Because once journal receive IF above >6, then they are …………..nhe bolta bus….. And i know how they get high IF. They use team just for citations, Even Nature one day publish paper, and other cite that paper in an other journal of its own…..

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    Submitting a journal to two publishers is misconduct. The author might submit to both journals simultaneously. In this case, the problem is solely on the authors, therefore, both of the publishers should remove the article from their list. But if the authors submitted to Journal B after Journal A has published the article, the problem goes to both the author and Journal B, journal B should have checked if it is published somewhere. In this case, Journal B should be communicated to remove from its list. In both cases, the authors should be communicated to get a lesson from their wrongdoing.

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    Dr.Kaiser Jamil 6 years ago

    The Author should never submit the article to two journals simultaneously. Publisher A is at no fault. However publisher A has a choice of not withdrawing the paper and informing the author about unethical practice.. The publisher B did not check if the paper has been sent to any other journal. As this is important in publishing ethics.
    Author has to commit that the article has not been sent to otherjournal in part or whole article. If author has submitted such a letter to both the publishers. Then it’s the author’s fault. And the article must be withdrawn from both journals.

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    MUHAMMET TURKOGLU 6 years ago

    If the author is blame, both Journal A and Journal B should sue the author. Since Journal B publishes the article after Journal A, B Journal should returned it to the author without the consent of the author and delete the article from the relevant website. In addition, if the article was published in Journal B as hard copy (printed), it should publish an editorial article in next issues due to unethical publication, and firstly officially inform the both author and author’s institution that this article has been canceled due to the unethical rules of publication.

    From another perspective, It is clear that Jornal B is guilty for publishing the article sent by author because Journal B has not searched on Ithenticate Cross similarity, as well as author’s unethical behavior due to the fact that he sent it to both journals.

    I think also that there is no responsibility for the arbitrators for both journals.

    Best wishes,


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    Clearly the author’s fault and responsibility, and both Journal should withdraw the article.

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    Rajeev Taliyan 6 years ago

    Author is responsible for this as before publishing, Journal A and B , both must have asked about the agreement which might be signed by authors. Journals editor must take appropriate action and may be retract the article from the website.

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    Meenakshisundaram.k.s. 6 years ago

    This is a practical problem of author and publisher so we can do the following.
    1. Publisher A should get an undertaking seperately mentioning a period for publishing the article and publisher should send the process stage of the article to the author.
    2. Publisher A can not take action on Publisher B since B is no way at fault.
    3. It is an ethical issue that has to be solved with proper understanding from both sides.
    4. In my experience I am not getting even acknowledgement from the publisher and the author is kept dark.
    5. As done by many publishers the web site should state the stage at which the submitted paper stands.

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    Vassya Bankova 6 years ago

    What should be the practical advice to Publisher of Journal A?
    As Journal A has priority, they should not withdraw the publication

    Who is responsible for such misconduct?
    The author and, to some exten the Editor of Journal B,who did not notice that this is a duplicate publication.

    If author is responsible what should we do for the author’s wrong doing?
    The authors University/Institution should be informed about his/her misconduct.

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    Sharad Tiwari 6 years ago

    What should be the practical advice to Publisher of Journal A?
    Blacklist such authors and inform their employer.

    Who is responsible for such misconduct?
    The author as well as journal B.

    If the author is responsible what should we do for the author’s wrongdoing?
    Blacklist such authors and inform their employer.

    Should we pursue the matter with the editor of the journal (Journal B) who has published the duplicate submission?
    Yes, but if they are not screening for plagiarism you can well imagine the standard of the journal B.

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    ittafaadaggafaa@gmail.com 6 years ago

    A. What should be the practical advice to Publisher of Journal A?
    Journal A has no more mistakes. Because, it accepted the manuscript before journal B. But, it has to inform the author as the manuscript is accepted for publication.

    B. Who is responsible for such misconduct?
    Author has mistake. Because, he/she know the progress of his/her manuscript for publication on journal A

    C. If author is responsible what should we do for the author’s wrong doing?
    Withdraw his/her manuscript from both journals and restrict to publish by circulating on google

    D.Should we pursue the matter with the editor of the journal (Journal B) who has published the duplicate submission?
    Editor of Journal B also has a mistake. Because, he/she has to crosscheck before accepting for publication. So, journal B and author should responsible for the mistake

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    What should be the practical advice to Publisher of Journal A?

    There are many such practices were found and reported by the publishers earlier. In this situation, the published may retract the paper for dual publication to avoid the valuable time to spend on this issue.

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      Dr Ahmad Ali 6 years ago

      Both the journals should remove the paper from their list of published articles. The author May have submitted the articles to both the journals simultaneously.
      Author is solely responsible for this mess.
      Both the journals should announce it on their website. The matter should be circulated to other publication houses.
      The journal should be more careful and check for similar articles before final publication of the article.

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    A.What should be the practical advice to Publisher of Journal A?
    Never cancel the publication because the article came to him first

    B.Who is responsible for such misconduct?

    C.If author is responsible what should we do for the author’s wrong doing?
    B journal will cancel the article and announce it on the journal web page

    D.Should we pursue the matter with the editor of the journal (Journal B) who has published the duplicate submission?
    not required, should follow by b magazine editor

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    Prof. Job N Nmadu 6 years ago

    The Editor of Journal B is to blame since he did not do all that is possible to confirm that the paper has not unpublished elsewhere. The Author signed a contract with Editor A which is still binding. Editor B should publish in the next available Journal for withdrawal of the paper and those who have used the material from the Journal should be advised to attach the editor’s comment on the withdrawal to their paper to indicate that they used it while it was still ‘published’ in Journal B.

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