A Cheerful Welcome to ACSE’s New Director


A Cheerful Welcome to ACSE’s New Director

On behalf of the ACSE Board we extend a warm welcome to Prof. Dr. Zabta Khan Shinwari, as new Director of The ACSE, and look forward to a very productive and positive next chapter of the Partnership.

Dr. Zabta Khan Shinwari is an experienced professor with a demonstrated history of working in the higher education industry. He is the current President of National Council for Tibb, Islamabad Pakistan. He is Skilled in Lecturing, publication ethics, research misconducts, SDS-PAGE, Molecular Biology, Biotechnology, and Cell Culture.

He holds a strong education professional with a Doctor of Science (D.Sc.) focused in Molecular Systematics from Kyoto University. He also Served Pakistan Science Foundation and Pakistan Agricultural Research Council (PARC) and was Vice Chancellor of three universities (KUST, USTB & QU),

During his research career he has reported genes for drought, cold, and stress tolerance. He has publication record including, 13 books authored; 14 international proceedings edited; besides 400 articles in impact factor journals; citations about 8000.

Dr. Shinwari has Organized/participated in about 200 national and international workshops/conferences and symposia and produced 12 PhDs and 77 M.Phils. He was elected as a fellow of the Pakistan academy of sciences and Islamic World academy of Sciences and got two civil awards (Tamgha-e-Imtiaz) in 2012 and Sitara-e-Imtiaz in 2018. He also won Best University Teacher Award from Higher Education Commission, Pakistan. While recognizing efforts in Ethics in Science and Technology UNESCO awarded (Avicenna Gold Medal in 2015). He is a member of World Commission of Ethics in Science & Technology (COMEST) since 2016. He was declared productive scientist in category “A” by Pakistan Council of Science & Technology.

Prof. Shinwari has outstanding leadership qualities, and clearly demonstrated an ability to create an empowering and motivating environment among individuals and partners, as well as fostering integration and teamwork. He is also committed to effective communication and supported Partnership activities in productive research and scientific communication.

Heartiest Congratulation to the new Director from the whole team of the ACSE!

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    Great news. Many congratulations to Professor Dr. Zabta Shinwari. Being my elder I enjoyed work with him and found him hardworking and kind hearten. Wish him further success in his life.

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    Dr. Sabry 6 years ago

    Congratulation Dr. Zabta Khan Shinwari
    Dr. Sabry

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    Dear Dr. Shinwari,
    Congratulation and welcome onboard, in particular at this great time with many initiatives proposed by ACSE.
    Best regards,
    Charley, TrendMD Regional Director

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    CHENCHIN CHANG 6 years ago

    Congratulations and wishing you all the best!

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    Viliana 6 years ago

    Dear Prof. Dr. Zabta Khan Shinwari,
    With respect,

    Prof. Viliana Vasileva, PhD
    Institute of Forage Crops
    Pleven 5800

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    Viliana Vasileva 6 years ago

    Dear Prof. Dr. Zabta Khan Shinwari,
    With respect,

    Prof. Viliana Vasileva, PhD
    Institute of Forage Crops
    Pleven 5800

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    Heartiest Congratulations, Dr. Shinwari on joining as Director of Asian Council of Science Editors.

    Hope, ACSE will touch new heights under your Leadership.

    best personal regards

    Anil Kumar, Ph.D.
    Professor & Head (Retired), School of Biotechnology,
    Ex-Director, International Institute of Professional Studies; Ex-Dean, Faculty of Engineering Sciences; Ex- member of the Executive Council of the University; Ex-Chairman, Board of Studies in Biotechnology
    Devi Ahilya University, Khandwa Road Campus
    Madhya Pradesh, INDIA
    Editor-in-Chief, Canadian Journal of Biotechnology (www.canadianjbiotech.com)

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    Prof. Dr. Hani Al Amoush 6 years ago

    My deep hearty Congratulation Prof. Dr Z. H. Shinwari,

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    juan.riveramedina@gmail.com 6 years ago

    Congratulations professor
    My best wishes to the New Director

    Prof Juan Rivera MD

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    Dear Sir,
    Congratulations and wish you good luck.

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    Suleyman Allakhverdiev 6 years ago


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    Elsayed 6 years ago

    Congratulations professor
    It is our pleasure to be a director in the ACSE board
    My best wishes to the New Director

    Prof. Dr. E. M. Elsayed
    Mathematics Department, Faculty of Science,
    King Abdulaziz University, P. O. Box 80203,
    Jeddah 21589, Saudi Arabia.

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    Dr. Subas Chandra Dinda 6 years ago

    Congratulation to Prof. Dr. Zabta Khan Shinwari for his new position!

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    Dear Prof. Zabta

    Congratulations , I wish to you good luck as a director in the ACSE board

    Prof. Mervat Foda
    Dairy Science Dept., National Research Centre
    Cairo, Egypt

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    Marwan S.M. Al-Nimer 6 years ago

    Congratulation Prof. Dr Z. H. Shinwari.

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    irshaid@aabu.edu.jo 6 years ago

    Congratulation for the new position

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    Congratulations Prof. Dr. Zabta Khan Shinwari I hope you do the best for ACSE

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    Happy to note that Dr. Zabta Khan Shinwari has taken the responsibility of the post of ‘Director’, ACSE. I congratulate Dr. Zabta Khan Shinwari for his achievement.

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    hussein murad 6 years ago

    My congratulation to Dr. Shinwari for this position and you for your good selection of
    a prominent scientist of high qualifications for this respected position.

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    Zaheer UL-HAQ 6 years ago

    Congratulations to Prof. Zabta Khan Shinwari

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    P A Azeez 6 years ago

    My best wishes to the New Director

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    Prof. Md. Abdul Karim 6 years ago

    Congratulations to Prof Zabta Khan Shinwari for becoming a new director of ACSE

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    Dr P A Azeez 6 years ago

    Congratulations professor
    My best wishes

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    Dr. Mohammad Ahmad 6 years ago

    Congratulations for your new position. My best wishes are always with you for success in all your endeavors related with this position.

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    Greetings from Turkey.

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    Dr. Md. Atiar Rahman 6 years ago

    Its great to learn. Thanks for sharing. Congratulations to new board member.

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    Dr. Meenakshisundaram Sundararajan 6 years ago

    Most Welcome for the New Director.

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    Rubina Hanif 6 years ago


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    KANWAL SHAHBAZ 6 years ago

    Wonderful.. Plz I would request next conference by ACSE in turkey

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    Sana Daud 6 years ago

    Congratulations sir,

    You people are flourishing day by day. MAASHALLAH keep it up.

    Good luck

    Hopfully see you soon.

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    Tanko Dauda 6 years ago

    Congratulations to the new Director. I wish him a successful tenure.
    Dr D. Tanko

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    Alex Midau 6 years ago

    Congregations to Prof…..may God see him through

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    Dr. Kaiser Jamil 6 years ago

    Happy to Welcome Prof Zabta Khan Shinwari as new director of ASCE.

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    Andrea Scribante 6 years ago

    Best wishes for Prof. Dr. Zabta Khan Shinwari

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    Seema Akbar 6 years ago


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    Shahla Jamili 6 years ago

    Congratulations toProf. Dr. Zabta Khan Shinwari on new position in The ACSE.

    Dr. Shahla Jamili

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    Dr DS Subrahmanyam 6 years ago

    Congratulations and wishing you all the best

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    Heartiest congrats to Prof. Zabta Khan Shinwari elected as a ‘Director’ in The ACSE Board for the term of two years. Wishing you all the very best.
    Prof. Dr. Ghulam Murtaza, UAF

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    Heartiest Congratulation to Prof. Shinwari, Its really an honor to have such a dynamic personality on board of the ACSE. We are looking forward to work jointly for betterment of Asian Scholarly Publishing Community, and with your experience and expertise, indeed we will.

    Wishing you all the very best!

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    Dr. Saima Nasir 6 years ago

    Dear Sir Please accept my heartiest congratulations on your new position im The ACSE. I wish you all successes in bringing excellence and progression in this organization with your dynamic leadership.

    Best wishes,
    Dr. Saima Nasir
    Pakistan Council for Science and Technology

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    Nesreen Abou-Baker 6 years ago

    Dear Prof. Dr. Zabta
    Greetings and good day,

    Sending you heartfelt congratulations and wishing you all the best on your new position.

    Best Wishes,

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    Congratulationsssssss Dr. Zabta Khan Shinwari for new position as a ‘Director’ in The ACSE Board for the term of two years. With my best wishes and success.
    Dr. Osama M. Ahmed, Egypt

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    Mohammed Dahiru Toungos 6 years ago

    Accept my congratulations Prof. Dr. Zabta Khan Shinwari, on your appointment as a Director in the ACSE board for two year.

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    Ahmed Nasr 6 years ago

    Congratulations from Alexandria,Egypt.

    Dr Ahmed Nasr
    Associate professor of leather tanning technology,
    Desert Research Center, Cairo,Egypt.

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    Dr. Muhammad Altaf Khan 6 years ago

    Congratulations Dear respected Prof. Dr. Zabta Khan Shinwari, as a ‘Director’ in The ACSE Board for the term of two years. Prof have been remained our Vice Chancellors in KUST when i was in Master mathematics in 2005-2007. A great personality.

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    Fatma El-Demerdash 6 years ago

    Dear Prof. Shinwari Sahib,

    Please accept my congratulations on your new position as Director of The ACSE. I wish you all successes in bringing excellence in this organization.

    Best wishes,

    Fatma El-Demerdash
    Professor of Biochemistry
    Institute of Graduate Studies and Research
    Alexandria University
    Alexandria, Egypt.

  • comment-avatar

    Congratulations Prof. Dr. Zabta Khan Shinwari, as a ‘Director’ of The ACSE Board.

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    Andrea Scribante 6 years ago

    Dear Prof. Dr. Zabta Khan Shinwari,
    Congratulations and best wishes!
    Andrea Scribante

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    Professor Dr.Shirin Tarafder 6 years ago

    Congratulations professor Zabta as a director in the ACSE board

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    Congratulations Prof. Dr. Zabta Khan Shinwari, as a ‘Director’ in The ACSE Board for the term of two years.

    I hope all the success for you and the ACSE.

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    M.A. Barakat 6 years ago

    Congratulation Dr. Zabta for this new position.
    Best regards,

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    khaled roumaih 6 years ago

    Congratulations to my very good colleague and friend Zabta and The ACSE on this new task.

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    Zabta 6 years ago

    Thanks dear colleagues
    Am humbled. Need prayers and support

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    Ali Talha khalil 6 years ago


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    drabuali@yahoo.com 6 years ago

    Please accept my congrats to Dr Zabita Shinwari as Country Director ASCE

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    Dr Md Kamrujjaman 6 years ago

    Warm Congratulations Dr. Zabta Khan as a Director of ASCE.

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    Kanwal shahbaz 6 years ago

    I believe it would be a wonderful change and a change for a great good.. Looking forward to hearing new initiatives by Dr Shinwari.. Many congratulations..

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    Heartiest Congratulations to Prof. Dr. Zabta Khan Shinwari for this new task on The ACSE. He is a source of inspiration for juniors like me. The person with beautiful personality and true worker in the country.

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    Congratulations to Prof.Zabta, my God Bless you.
    Dr. Faika Ibrahim M. Hassanein
    Lecturer of Microbiology & Immunology
    Faculty of Pharmacy and Drug Manufacturing
    Pharos University in Alexandria

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    Prof. Abd-Alla Gad Abd-Alla Gad 6 years ago

    Dear heart congratulations. I hope the every thing will more progress and improved as is enriched by your presence.
    Abd-Alla Gad Abd-Alla Gad, Egypt

    Prof. Abd-Alla Gad Abd-Alla Gad
    Ex Desertification Expert at Saudi Geologic Survey Authority, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
    Currently: National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences (NARSS),
    23, Josef Brows Tito, El-Nozha El-Gededa, Cairo, Egypt
    P.Box 1564-Alf Maskan
    Post Code: 11843
    Phone :Mobile +/20122/3568182
    Email : abdallagad1@gmail.com; agad@narss.sci.eg; abdallagad@gmail.com

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    Prof. Mostafa Khattab 6 years ago

    Congratulation Dr. Zabta

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    M. Mursaleen 6 years ago

    Heartiest congratulations Prof. Shinwari.

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    Congratulations to my dear colleague and friend Dr. Zabta Khan Shinwari and The ACSE on this new task.

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    Congratulations Sir
    Best wishes from Indian occupied Kashmir

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    My Dear Prof. Shinwari Sahib, السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    Please accept my congratulations on your elevation as Director of The ACSE. I wish you a very happy tenure and praying for your continuing successes in bringing excellence in this organization.

    Humble regards.
    Prof. Mukhtar
    Rector/Vice Chancellor
    Dadabhoy Institute of Higher Education
    Karachi, Pakistan

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    Abhishek Naik 6 years ago

    Dear Sir,
    Big congratulations.

    Best wishes,
    Abhishek Naik

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    Prof. Dr. Nadia Gabr Ali 6 years ago

    Congratulation for new position

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    Dr. M. Kabir 6 years ago

    Assalam-o-alaikum ! Dr. sahib please accept congratulation from core of my heart. I will never forget Your kind words, affection which I was received in Faisalabad during conferences of GCUF & ADL.

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    Prof. Manzoor Soomro 6 years ago

    Congratulations to my very good colleague and friend Zabta and The ACSE on this new task.

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    Maj. Gen. Muhammad Aslam 6 years ago

    Pl accept our hearty congrats on appt of Dr Zabita Shinwari as Country Director ASCE. Very well earned.

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