Tag: Annual Meeting
CSE Annual Meeting 2023: Where Science and Diversity Meet in Toronto
The Annual Meeting of the Council of Science Editors (CSE) is taking place in Toronto from April 29 to May 2, 2023. The meeting promises to be [...]

7th ACSE Annual Conference Highlights
The Asian Council of Science Editors (ACSE) hosted its 7th Annual Conference, on Saturday, August 21, 2021, virtually (via Zoom [...]
7th Annual Conference of The ACSE
The Asian Council of Science Editors (ACSE) is hosting its 7th Annual Conference, on Saturday, August 21, 2021,(via Zoom Meeting [...]
2019 ACSE Annual Meeting Event Report
Making an effort to connect various segments of the Scholarly-Communication Ecosystem, The 6th Annual Conference of The ACSE was hosted in Carlton Pal [...]
ACSE Participation at CSE Annual Meeting 2018
Many people believe that since they can now access information via a plethora of internet hubs, that the days of live conferences are gone. However, t [...]
A Glance of ACSE Participation at CSE Annual Meeting 2017
The ACSE has always been committed to other industry organizations and has tried to support their events by its participation and contribution. In lie [...]
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