Tag: The ACSE
Announcement: New Board Members of the ACSE
We are excited to expand our board with two new industry experts Dikran Toroser and Mingfang Lu to help us achieve our goal, by bringing their [...]
Forum on World-class Learned Societies Studies
On behalf of the Asian Council of Science Editors (ACSE), and under the approval by the ACSE, I, Dr. Charley Miao, Regional Director of the ACSE, wa [...]
COVID-19: Ways to protect yourselves and your loved ones
In the awakening of the pandemic Coronavirus, the Asian Council of Science Editors has decided to postpone all of its regional/international events [...]
ACSE & RCCIIT: A Joint Spirit of Networking & Collaboration
We are pleased to proclaim that, with a joint spirit of networking and collaboration the RCC Institute of Information Technology and Asian Council o [...]

20% OFF for ISMPP West Meeting 2018
1st ISMPP West Meeting 2018, has just announced an Exciting Registration Discount of 20% for all ACSE Members. Avail the maximum benefit today, by usi [...]
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